Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Card

I didn't send out Christmas cards this year...to anyone. So, if you're reading this, and you sent me a card or usually get a card from me, I am asking for forgiveness. In my Christmas card, I usually try to write a summary of life in our house over the past year. This is my first year of blogging, and I think because of it I had major writer's block whenever I thought about what to write. Anyway, this is my attempt at a virtual Christmas card. Yes, this is belated, and yes, a little lame. But we will press on! :)

* We went to Lawrence last winter and had our first overnight away from Tyler. As expected, leaving him was harder on me than on Tyler. But I really enjoyed it and we had a lot of fun! In fact, we may do it again this year.

* I recently completed my first full year at Greiffenstein Special Day School. (I began there November, 2007). Our students are all identified as emotionally disturbed. So, this leads to many funny, interesting and sometimes stressful days. We have small classrooms (3-8 children with at least 1 teacher and 2 paraprofessionals in each room). We have a structured schedule with minimal transitions, and, when needed, security staff and a timeout room. My position is as a clinical social worker/therapist. Basically, I do individual and group therapy, parent intakes, and whatever else is needed to provide support to teachers. I'm happy to have a wonderful, supportive staff who are great to work with, and have become great friends too.

*Our Mennonite social worker, Carol, taught me how to knit and crochet in the past year. I neglected this during the warmer months, but this December I expanded my repertoire slightly from having only completed a few scarves to also include baby hats and a few dish towels. I know, slowly people. But, I am quite in the groove right now. I've been a crocheting fool over the winter break!

*I enjoyed my first summer off in many years. I loved spending time at home (in Indiana) with family and friends. Tyler and I were also able to spend a week with Lynette and Mom in Florida. This is precious time since we don't get to see one another often. Especially since Lynette and Rusty moved back to Thailand this August.

*In June, my Grandpa David passed away. It was hard to see my Dad and his brothers mourn the loss of their Dad. I hope it's a long loooonnng time until we have to grieve the death of a parent. All of my coworkers who have lost a parent, still talk about missing them and loving them...just like I would think it would be.

*Of course, we have enjoyed Tyler this year. He is more independent, and verbal all the time. I love to spend time with my little guy! (And when he hits me out of nowhere, I love to send him to his Dad for a little wrestling time). He loves his friends and he has had his first sleepover this year. He loves dinosaurs, Cars cars, trains, reading, and riding his trike.

Well, I guess that will have to cover it for this year. Moon sand is being flung all over the kitchen floor, and I guess it's time to intervene.


Rachel Kathryn said...

I liked your online Christmas letter--no worries! :) I really like the photo collage of Ty. Too bad I don't have a color printer...

Kathy Beachy said...

I think there were a lot of us that didn't get cards out. I also felt really bad. At least you did this. I kind of decided that my blog updates most of my friends