Sunday, November 7, 2010


The computer I normally post from is still not allowing me to get onto google/blogger applications which has highlighted how much I have come to rely on accessing these...multiple times daily. I hope I can find a solution!!

But, I digress. That is not what I was hoping to post about. It seems that our little Aubrey-Pawbree has been changing so much lately. I think she's been going through a growth spurt and suddenly seems longer. She likes to sit on her knees and bounces, stands up and sits down, "wrestles" us and is usually exploring and moving.

Within the last week, if I'm looking away and she wants to see what I'm eating or saying or perhaps just wants to look at me, she firmly takes my jaw with her hand and turns my face toward hers. I'm rewarded with an inquisitive look or a big smiling grin. Like this:

Melts my heart. This picture was taken a few days ago. She has cut both top teeth since this was taken, so we have two little white nubbies to look at now.

She has been grinding her teeth together, seemingly testing out the new feel in her mouth. She's making expressions like this quite frequently:

Kind of makes her look like she's trying to be tough.

I don't know if teething is why, but this week, it's been hard for me to convince her to eat much off of a spoon. She certainly prefers finger foods. She has either refused to open her mouth, or just starts spitting it back out. She does the same thing with Tylenol...this is a little frustrating as it results in a sticky mess down her PJs.

Little Squirt, we love her so. :)


Melissa said...

ha - she DOES look like she's trying to be tough! cute!!!

Carrie said...

She is sooooooooo precious, Melody!!! She really looks more like Tyler now, especially when she makes that teeth grinding expression. :)