Monday, November 15, 2010

10 Months

How did she already get to be 10 months old? The little Love has been changing so quickly, as babies do, and it's a lot of fun.

She has responded to the word "no" and quickly stops what she is doing. I appreciate this, knowing how soon this will change. I'm also glad that she immediately responds because she is a fearless little monkey and can be found climbing (under and onto) all sorts of things when you look away.

One of her favorite spots is under the table. Which is fine, as long as she doesn't stand up to bonk her head...or crawl under the chairs and get stuck...which seems inevitable.

She has been doing a lot of pointing to parts of our faces (and loves to "honk" our noses), as well as her own.


Her two upper teeth came in a couple of weeks ago, and we get a kick out of her new toothy grin.


Yesterday, she wore a Tyler hand-me-down to help her Daddy cheer on the Steelers...that's all we'll say about that game. ;) (Yeah, she loves those blocks too - they are fun to bang together and scramble around).

Silly goose loves to come crawling over to me as soon as I pull out the camera. And, of course, gets so close that I have no idea what I'm shooting. I was amused by this shot that I took "blind." Silly girl.

She's been making this silly face to us for a couple of weeks - a mixture of excitement with goofball. We get a kick out of it and have tried to get a good photo of it, but that's hard since the expression often only lasts a split second. We haven't quite caught it yet, but we'll keep trying. :) (The top left is probably the closest).

She started walking a couple of weeks ago. She's still unsteady and doesn't walk too far. If there's something she is really interested in, she gets farther. Here's a brief video I took tonight.

And we'll end with a little dancing with Aubrey from Saturday morning. She loooves music! And Tyler likes to share the limelight as you will see. (You, lucky you, also get to see our lovely stand-in for a gate in front of the stairs. We resorted to this lovely arrangement (since we don't have a normal staircase to put in a gate), after she forced our hand by making it up several stairs when we weren't paying attention - and all the way up several times when we just wanted to see how far she could go while we were right there...silly little monkey).


Rustin and Lynette Polinder said...

super impressed with Aubrey's dance moves. I think over Christmas you are going to need to record a video of a dance off between Aubrey and Trina.

Sue S said...

How cute. What a rocker!

Melissa said...

soooo cute! she's turning into a real life person and everything! ;) (sorry - it's easy to believe that babies are inanimate objects when i see them mostly in pictures.) i love that goofy face she makes - smoosh her face for me, wouldya? and, of course, that sweet kiss from Tyler is priceless. love it!

i would PAY to see an Aubrey/Trina dance-off. good call, Lynette!

Rachel Kathryn said...

Wow--this post makes me smile so much! She's got the cutest faces. Walking already? She and Jillian will have to have a walk-off--I'd say Aubrey's doing better. ;) And I just LOVE her dancing. So fun!!!