Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conference Week

This week was conference week at school. That means a couple of 12-hour days a.k.a. "late nights." The days feel extra long since I feel guilty not seeing my "babies." (Yes, I realize they aren't technically babies, but they're still my babies). Wayne was a dear and brought both Tyler and Aubrey to visit one evening, and Aubrey on the second.

Aubrey loves dogs, and just across the hall from me is therapy dog, Renny. After some initial greetings and trying to get him to chase her, she settled into his crate.

Or should I say, she took over his crate.

He kept trying to come in and join her, and they did lay down together for awhile.

The second evening, we played a little dress up.

Then we took a little walk. She ended up coloring in the art room.

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