Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I think it's a good thing that Tyler is going to preschool next year. For one, I can't get him to hold his pen/pencil correctly. And another is that I rarely have him practice writing. I thought we'd give it a try this week on a few valentines. As you can see, he enjoys making letters "do" things.

Here, the "L" in Oliver is "holding up the other letters." Nice job, "L."

Also, the "R" in Tyler is "injured...because I ran out of room."
When he added extra lines on the "E" in Abe's name, (and I corrected him) he told me that he was making an "alien E." On Leo's valentine, he wrote Leo's name smaller, "because Leo is little." I never knew letters could have so much personality.
Well, I ought to get back to cleaning up the house. I finally took down the Hot Wheels ramp that had been all the way down the hallway, stairs and into the living room for about a week. While it was up, Wayne caught a few shots of Tyler sending cars down. I like this one because there are two air born cars on their way to the "belly of the pillow." (Which is protecting my new bookcase). Thank goodness for pillows.


Rachel Kathryn said...

Oooh, I want to see a pic of the new bookcase. That must mean we no longer have twin bookcases. I'm sure you're new one is lovely! :)

Carolyn Miller said...

Good job writing Tyler. I like the artistic style.